Meant to record my interesting life *YAWN*, my opinions about stuff, as well as chronicle my quest to be a good FATHER.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Back to the Drawing Board
We shall try for one more month the natural way. May the Lord bless us, for failing that, we shall go for IUI.
The Aussie Tea Party
Now sipeh bloated.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Life's Little Pleasures
It was only drizzling when I left, but it eventually became a downpour. Ahh ... the smell of rain. I was enjoying its deep, deep calming effect on me. I was humming to one of my favourite songs on radio. I was even mesmerised by the pitter patter of the rain on the car.
I realised I smiled. I have not felt so at ease, so calm and so contented for a long time already ...

Anyway, to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary, they will be flying off to Canada to enjoy the Alaskan cruise. A remarkable achievement, 25 years, by any measure. We wish them many more 25 years to come!
It got me thinking of my love for travelling.
Do I really like to travel?
Do I really want to know about their cultures, history and stuff?
Is travelling really a form of therapy?
Do I really go for bargain hunting while overseas?
Or is it that I just want to get away from it all, literally?
To leave behind the unhappiness and burden of work, to have a choice of whether to respond to a call or an SMS or not, to be able to exist in a parallel dimension where I'm holidaying while there are people still worrying about the work I delegated?
I think I am an escapist. If I eventually find a job that I adore, I suspect my interest in travelling will subside.
On the way back, Wifey was analysing with me categorically on why I've become so unhappy at work. I tend to agree with her. The character analysis test I did recently also suggests a wrong job-personality fit.
So why haven't I done IT??
Saturday, July 23, 2005
The KG Man
So imagine my excitement when I heard the faint sound of the ice-cream bell, a tool of the trade for the KG Man. Problem is, by the time I stepped out of the house, he was already somewhere else. Hence began my Track the KG Man Operation. I eventually found him 10 minutes later, 7 floors down. I could have done it faster with more practice, but I guess I got the pointers:
- Develop a sharp ear for THE BELL - it is your only hope
- Determine if he is above or below your floor
- Then go floor by floor. Once in a while, pop your head out from the corridor to see if you spot him
Because my block has 3 stairwells, I actually got ahead of him. I was about to head upwards when he reached the floor I was on.
Final note: ALWAYS negotiate with the KG Man. He will be able to up the offer a little. For my stack, I was offered $5. "Keh tam po lah", I urged.
"Ok lah, ok lah. $6".
Or yah, and try to speak dialects. Somehow the affinity seems to help.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
How to Screw Your Staff Part II
There is a tender closing in 14 hours' time. And I'm the only sucker doing it. Now. At 2am.
At my previous place, I worked like shit. At the current place but previous portfolio, I worked like shit. Now, new portfolio, I still work like shit.
"You don't know how to delegate", you griped.
"Learn to plan", you reminded.
"Ever tried 3 hours of sleep, everyday, for 1 year", you shared.
The best has yet to come.
"You lack that killer instinct", you said, disapprovingly.
But wasn't it my mild-manneredness and ability to click with people that landed me this job? And now I have to re-condition myself to be a killer?
It's not so much of how, but why?? Why the double standards?
Wifey just commented that of all my years of working, she has never seen me so depressed, agitated and frustrated. She also said "I'm surprised you still can carry on".
Someone, anyone, please help ...
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Reached there with Wifey just after 2pm. The traffic was horrendous! On top packed with cars, below packed with people - wah piang ...
It was interesting to see in person those people whose blogs I have been reading. Wifey said "Xiaxue looks quite pretty". Everyone seemed to know everyone - they seemed to be quite a close group. As expected, there were NKF jokes.
As a conference, the event was quite flat. But considering it was the inaugural event, looking at the turnout and the organising, I must say - WELL DONE!
It also got me thinking about blogging and bloggers. Do these bloggers:
- blog because they want to register their thoughts, life and opinions, or
- play to the stands, and therefore talk about things that will attract eyeballs
Whatever the reason, the choice is theirs. As with life, nothing is absolute.
Left shortly after the Technology bits started, cos Wifey was getting bored.
Plan B
Doc said the egg has been released - yippee! Guess who's gonna be happy tonight? *wink*
Anyway, we asked him, since we have been trying the natural way for so long, what is our next course of action. He replied the next natural step will be IUI. We will have to try it for 3 months. "It is a simple procedure, but let's hope the good news come before that", he said.
The nurse at the counter was so sweet. "I'll pray for you," she offered. Thanks!!
We will be going for prayers ourselves tomorrow.
Friday, July 15, 2005
The $600,000 Peanut
We have the gold-plated tap, first-class flights, $25,000 a month salary, 12 months' bonus, and a well-intended but ill-constructed remark about peanuts.
My 2 cents' worth is that they should include more patients in their programme. More subsidies won't hurt either.
Oh, by the way, KDF will need our support too.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Waltzing Mathilda
Anyway, was with some colleagues when I heard this remark "Oh, I prefer Sydney. Not like Perth, a dead town." Having heard it for the 1,215,865th time, my temperature was rising, and I asked "Have you been to Perth before?"
"No" was the response.
The strange thing about these people that claim Perth to be a dead town are also people who have never been there! So how can one claim a place is good or bad, alive or dead without having been there physically?
I happen to like Sydney too, but I also find Perth a great city to be in. It is up to the individual to decide if he wants to participate in urban activities or indulge in laid back relaxation.
The next time I hear the same remark again, I will make them sing Waltzing Mathilda 10 times while doing a handstand.
Monday, July 11, 2005
How To Screw Your Staff
Then gave me a "choice", to choose between Sales or Product Management.
When I "chose" Product Management, tell me it is a challenge, but I will be guided.
Then ask me what new package I am proposing.
When I proposed, it got negotiated (read: reduced).
Told me the weightage for a sales person and a non-sales person is very different. "The exposures are different".
Then ask me out for lunch, and told me the new package.
"You know the people around you who are drawing this pay, what they are doing". Yes, yes, I'm not dim, I got the hint!
Then tell me the package didn't get approved.
Then proposed to put me back on my sales package.
HELLO???!!! How much crap can a person endure? How many lies can a person take? How many U-turns can a person swallow? How much more nonsense do I need to be subjected to before I wake up my idea and QUIT?
All thanks to the slow coach (pun intended) on lane 1, else I would have been booked by the TP behind me. Bloody blinded by anger and disappointment.
Tonight is supposed to be the night where we try for a baby some more!
CCB. Loo sio loo too lan.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Exchange Policy
- Box 1: Wrong contents, right size
- Box 2: Right contents, wrong size
With tail between my legs, we trodded back to the shopping centre. The first box was easy to resolve. "Somebody put the wrong design into this box!" The retail assistant gingerly put the right one in.
The second one needed some planning. The exchange policy for teh kor is - NO EXCHANGE ALLOWED. We grabbed a box with the right contents, and well, did a 偷龙转风 at some dark corner.
Sssshhh ...
The Story of Waverley