Woke up lazily today, around 2pm. Was at mum's last night for BBQ, before we left to meet up with the rest to got up The Hill. Every thing went ok until they discovered a missing item. Poor chap had to go back again to replace.
Wifey and I dragged our feet around and was in no particular hurry with our chores. We had agreed to go down to Orchard for a much-needed X'mas spirit infusion, and we left the house around fourish.
Orchard was so crowded! It was CNY shopping all over again. First stop was Centrepoint as we needed to get gifts for the 2 little devils. Couldn't find anything, so we trodded along.
We eventually plonked ourselves down in Akashi Jap Restaurant. Because of my cost-cutting ways, it's been such a long time since we last had a restaurant meal. The food was good, as expected. Bento good, sashimi fresh, reverse california sushi good.
I must say the lights this year are nothing to rave about. 'Ordinary' and 'uninspiring' come to mind. Luckily we still had the crowd, the X'mas facade lights, and all the noise and racket.
Not to mention the weather. I have always loved Christmas because of the weather. There will always be a cool year-end breeze that feels so ... comforting. With Wifey holding my hand tightly, it really has a calming effect. Makes all the problems I have at work seem so far away. 没有白活了.
We eventually found the presents at Ngee Ann City's atrium sale. Bought for the girl a Powerpuff Girls cushion, and the boy a Chicken Little shirt.
Got to try to rest early. Tomorrow meeting the guys for CS and in the evening, helping out.