For the longest time, I've had problems telling the 2 apart. Which is the sticky one? Which is the one with chocolate flavour? And why condensed? Why evaporated? Chemical process? Wifey has given up trying to help me remember.
Finally, after some research, the truth is out.
Condensed milk is a type of whole milk thickened after 60% of its water contents are removed (through evaporation!). So it becomes concentrated (CONdensed is CONcentrated, geddit?)
Then there's sweetened condensed milk, where sugar is added to the content. There's also unsweetened condensed milk, where no sugar is added but it is heat-treated for sterilisation. People associate it with evaporated milk.
Evaporated milk = referring to the process when it got evaporated to get rid of water
Condensed milk = sweetened, thik milk
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