Went to see fireworks again, this time near Esplanade. The whole experience can be summed up in 4 words:
We were eating at East Coast when we decided that we will risk the crowd and see the fireworks.
There were many possible places to go, but I chose Marina South. The parking was so packed! Being the smart aleck that I am, and with 2 minutes more to go, I parked on the pedestrian pavement.
Shortly after, the fireworks started. I must say the place we stood wasn't too bad. Other than the low level fireworks that were blocked by the trees, the rest were ok.

While taking photos of the fireworks with my mobile phone, I noticed that many people were doing likewise. I took a shot of them, but the photo turned out crappy. Whatever.
When the show finished, Wifey and I almost ran back to the car, hoping to avoid the crowd. To our bewilderment, a Malaysian car had parked at the exact place where the pavement slopes down to join with the road. There was a car that parked behind me, and both of us were effectively locked-in. For the next 20 minutes, we waited and waited, with passing cars watching us. Felt like a bloody circus act. They must be thinking: Ge kiang lah, ge kiang lah!
I tried to look for other "launch sites", but to no avail. Finally, the car behind ours decided to do a 3-point turn, and head back the other way. We followed suit, finally relieved of our confines, only to be confronted with another 15 min of jam.
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