Anyhow, as she was window-shopping, I went wandering around. On one of the floors, I made a turn and found myself back in the nostalgia that is Chinatown. I didn't realise that this part of the building wasn't upgraded. The shops were still using iron grilles, the signboards were old, and the floor tiles were still the small squarish type. I smiled to myself, having found the flavour back.
As I walked further, I came to the end of the building, and from across where I was, was the Chin Swee estate. This place brings back memories, as I recall my dad bringing me here to a 铁打 for my sprained ankle. The shop was no longer there, but the quaint red-green 亭子 was.
I walked downstairs, crossed the road, and did some walking-around. The birds were chirping, old people chatting, children playing, the whole experience was so surreal. And I enjoyed myself, lapping up all the rusticity. To add to the high, in front of Sheng Siong, I saw a bunch of old folks watching two chess players having a go at the game.

I am such a sentimentalist. I was both happy to find this gem of a place, but at the same time, worried for its existence. In our relentless pursuit of development, the evil claws of upgrading will, in a few years' time, degenerate this place into nothing more than memories.
When that day happens, at least with this post, the image can be preserved for posterity, and I can say that 我曾经到此一游.
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