Uncaring, unsympathetic and definitely elitist, her remarks show disregard for the real trappings of the other parts of society, or even the realities facing the common man. Mind you, her generation will be running our country in 20 years' time.
This just serves to further entrench my disrespect for people of that 'level'. I honestly don't think all they've done are 101% for the common good. I have reached the point where I'll just flip the damn page if there was a newspaper article about some elites saying something that they claim is good for us.
Call me a loser, a whiner, whatever. But limpeh is damn pissed.
Trisha wrote a very insightful piece on this fiasco, and I reproduce it here with her permission.
There is no glory in being an elite. No honour in trumpeting one’s own success. For if not by a fortunate roll of the dice of life, any of us could end up like Mr Y or Mdm C. Any of us could be born into a family visited by sorrow upon sorrow, where circumstances work against you and fate tosses you around like sand, so that you can’t get out of the shit even if you want to. So for those of us in which life has been unbelievably kind to us, a good measure of gratitude and humility is called for. Survival of the fittest is the rule for the animal kingdom. Surely we are above the beasts? Surely we are meant to rise up higher? Instead of dashing to be the first, perhaps it is far nobler to slow down, and give a hand to the downtrodden, the unfortunate, the unskilled, the retrenched, the slower, the old, the sickly and the poor. When we can restore even a modicum of dignity to our fellow beings who have no hope, surely that makes us more human.
Post date: 6 Nov 2006
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