Was driving to work this morning when I got all pensive and serious and deep-thinking.
"Is there a need to rush?"
"Nothing wrong with giving way, right?"
"Is there a need to get angry with the traffic, something which you can't control?"
"Don't you want to decide to make today a great day?"
These questions popped up in my head unsolicited, and strangely, the drive was really smooth.
I then read Trisha's piece on the 1-roomers and Ting's article on being both scared and tired of meeting people.
Trisha's 1-roomers taught me that I really should be contented with what I have, rather than dwell on what I don't. For the life of me, this is one of the hardest and darndest thing to achieve. I was going to give the excuse that I was constructed this way, but no. I'll ... give it a try.
Ting mentioned that she wants these people to stay away. I'm glad that I'm not the only one feeling this way.
Now I remember why I was feeling like that this morning. I was recalling something my boss said to me last week, that I was only displaying less than 50% of what I'm capable of. Not that he was blaming me for non-performance, but rather, wondering why I'm holding back. I didn't know whether to be happy or sad.
I so badly want to sit by the beach right now.
Post Date: 5 Feb 2007