Tuesday, March 20, 2007

War and Beauty (金枝慾孽)

Started watching from the middle of this show when it was on TV, and am watching the complete series on VCD now with Wifey.

This show really got under my skin. The storyline is captivating, and the characters believable, beautiful on-location filming and an impressive cast. 2 Saturdays (and a few hours last night) later, it got me interested in almost all aspects of the show, that I:

- read the 1st resource available, Wikipedia
- have been visiting forums that discuss this show
- read a number of Qing related articles
- bookmarked 2 unofficial blogs of Charmaine - in English and Chinese
- went on Youtube to view interviews, reviews and bloopers

It's not often that I get so drawn in, so I was thinking through the reasons, and I think they are:

- I've always preferred period dramas (神雕侠侣, anyone?)
- 人心险恶 shows make for a more interesting story (大长今, anyone?)
- it is based on history (although most of the characters are fictitious)
- it is backdropped against the place that we will be visiting soon (Yippee!)
- and finally, well ... it helps that *ahem*charmaine*koffkoff*isinit*koff*ahem*

Post Date: 20 Mar 2007

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