Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Spillover Effect

For lack of a better title ...

So M was in the office today, to do some handing and taking over. Her poise, elegance and the way she carries herself, impresses me no end.

Rumours have it that she is being groomed for bigger things in the company. Not that she's not up to the task. I happen to think she is quite capable. But what got me thinking is, if it had been a more ordinary-looking person, will the grooming be an automatic choice then?

Like it or not, this is a superficial world, where many things are just skin deep. Pretty people will find it easier to open doors, make friends. It's for them to scre up, really.

Not so good looking people, on the other hand, has to swim against the current. Not impossible, but takes effort and determination.

Post Date: 20 April 2007

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