Got a call from New HR on Friday, while I was waiting for the train at City Hall MRT.
They offered a position that is below my expectations, and a package that, on first look isn't too bad, but a base pay that I was already on 3 years ago. Back to 40:60. To add to the pain was the impersonal, deadpan tone of the HR person.
I really wonder when my career and basic pay can finally make their way up consistently. Over the past few jobs, it has been up, down, up, down - how to put a stop to this nonsense? Initially the dream of a $100k annual basic pay dream seemed so much nearer, but now? Huh!
It's not so much that I'm an ingrate - my annual package has been on the up. It's just that at every stage, I get pushed back a few notches, and have to fight my way back to equity and beyond. Most of the time I clear, but sometimes I trip, and pay kena hentak kaki. When will someone finally offer me an increment to jump ship? Something clear cut, simple, not mind-taxing, and where I don't have to feel sour even before joining the company? When? WHEN?! Why is it that everytime, I'm made to feel small? Why? WHY?!
Apologies to Wifey, who once again had to put up with my long face and withdrawn mood. Don't know how long she can take this nonsense.
Here we are, sweating over the annual package on offer, and wondering aloud when will the tides turn, while people just took delivery of their new Mercedes Benz C-class. I'm been told a gazillion times, "Don't compare, don't compare", but I reaaaaally cannot help it.
Post Date: 10 Sep 07