We got a call this morning, about the result of the amnio test.
"Your baby has an extra chromosome. And Dr Cheng would like to see you this afternoon. His schedule is packed, but we managed to squeeze in a slot at 1pm".
When Wifey called me to relay the message, my head was entirely filled with negative thoughts. What's going to happen? How serious is the problem? How will he break the news to us? I checked the Internet - seemed like there will be problems. So much negativity - I found it hard to break out of it. Worse thing was, I didn't want to outwardly show it and influence Wifey ...
It turned out our baby has an extra chromosome - XXX. Our gynae assured us it was nothing to worry about, definitely not serious enough to warrant an abortion. Yes, there may be a higher probability of learning disabilities, but it's only a higher chance. Moreover, with support and coaching, it can be overcome. He added that our all the anomaly that could happen, this was one of the mildest. The gynae also confirmed that our baby does not have Down's Syndrome.
Wifey left the clinic visibly relieved. To her, this was good news. So long as there's a chance to correct any disorder, then not all is lost.
I, on the other hand, left the clinic with a very heavy head. I couldn't figure out what I'd just heard was good news or bad news. Yes, I'm thankful our baby does not have Down's Syndrome, but a chromosome anomaly is a chromosome anomaly. Our gynae is a nice guy - he may have cushioned the impact for us. The thought that my baby MAY not start at the same starting point really saddens me. We will be very unfair to our kid if, because of our selfishness, we bring the fella into this world and the fella falls behind straight away.
But I'm determined that, no matter what happens, our child is our responsibility. We will do whatever we can to set the records straight. Moreover, Dr Cheng did say that the FA test during Week 20 will put us at further ease.
And it's a girl : )
Image credit here.
Post Date: 3 Nov 09
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