Hi Father,
Wow, it's been 3 years. How have you been doing?
I am happy to report that you are now a grandfather! After 7 years of trying, our little girl was born early last month. Most people are saying the little girl takes after me, but I'm just thankful she has Mummy's big round eyes and cute button nose! I thought I had prepared myself psychologically for the hard work, but Wifey seemed to be handling it better. I'm so pleased that she's rising up and embracing her new role with such great aplomb.
We have also been making Mum busy. When Wifey was doing her confinement, Mum came once in a while just to see how everyone is doing. Now that confinement is over, Mum comes over every day (except weekends and public holidays) to look after the little Princess in the day while Wifey rests. She also cooks lunch and dinner, and sometimes helps with the laundry. On the whole, a great help to have around.
Work-wise, there's nothing to shout about. I have been real busy, being one of the many involved in a multi-million dollar deal. Have been coming back late because of that. While everybody else seemed to be a winner of sorts, I am the sorry one here - I may be losing my job in a few months' time. Sigh. I know I'm worrying in advance again, but I can't help it. I'll try not to think about it. Will try.
On top of my regular job, I'm also helping a friend with his project. What was scheduled to end by Mar is now still running. I'm so short of time that I can only spare this project time at the end of the day. My sense of responsibility to my friend is stopping me from handing the project back to him. But the truth is, I'm up to my eyeballs ...
Father, this morning I went to the temple and made a donation in your name. Just now, after dinner, I left the receipt on the table. And then, an insect landed on the receipt, and stayed there for quite a while. Father, was that ... you? Were you also the one that was flying around little Princess this afternoon?
I just hope that you are fine, or that you have moved to a better place.
Once again, I humbly ask that you bless Mum, Wifey and now our little Princess. Take care, Dad. Still miss you a lot.
Yours sincerely,
Image credit here.
Post Date: 30 May 09