People say Zizou is hot-headed and has a terrible temper. I don't think so. The way he plays, the way he reads the game, and the fact that he was the captain of the national squad speaks volumes of his character. Add to that his shyness, modesty, humble beginnings and what he has achieved.
At the same time, the guy is protective over his family. Maybe over-protective. A little word about them and he loses his head.
Is it wrong to want to protect your family? Is it wrong to get agitated if your family is insulted or you are provoked? Isn't his reaction a further testament to this guy's greatness?
**~UPDATE: 13.07.06~**
As I was writing this piece yesterday, Zidane was issuing an apology, as well as giving his side of the story here.FIFA, get off your bloody moral high ground and let him keep his Golden Ball Award!!
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