Wednesday, May 09, 2007

It's Called Love

Rushed back to change before heading to fetch Mum and Dad for Dad's appointment at the hospital. Sis also came along.

Initially, I was worried that Dad would be worried. This was after all a hospital, and it would a medical procedure, albeit a simple one. He didn't look very comfortable when we talked about the appointment sometime back. But looking how relaxed he was, I was relieved. Think he did all his homework already - talked to the doc, the nurses, read the pamphlet, surfed the Net, etc.

We were there for 3+ hours, but the actual procedure was only half an hour. The rest of the time was taken up by admin stuff, waiting, recuperation, etc.

I found myself eagerly attending to his needs, like carrying his bag, buying food, making sure he's comfortable, talking to him to help him relax, etc. No different from his eagerness to run errands for us, his kids.

It was then that it hit me: this is LOVE. It's time for me to start doing things for you, Dad.

Post Date: 10 May 2007

Image from ccindigo

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