Want to document some interesting events leading up to, and including, the birthday.
- On birthday eve, someone buzzed the doorbell. It was a middle-aged lady looking for 'Adrian'. She refused to take "No such person here" as an answer. She even prevented me from closing the door, and asking "Are you 100% sure?". I told her I was 120% sure. She left, only to come back again. After the 3rd ringing of the bell, I exasperatedly opened the door, and she asked "He went to Germany or something, right?" UURRRGHHH! Yet thinking of it now gives me the creeps.
- While in the middle of the night (birth day already), I was woken up by a 'tick tick' sound coming from the side table. I turned and realised it was coming from the cube clock that I bought in Thailand. Drowsily I got up and fiddled with the battery catch, and managed to yank all 4 batteries out. Guess what? The ticking didn't stop. Amazing! This thing doesn't run on batteries! (Child's Play, anyone?) Really was too sleepy to be frightened, so I went outside and chucked it on the dining table. The next day, I found out there were 2 smaller batteries with a different compartment. Orrrrhh ...
- So Wifey and I went to eat at this posh place, with supposedly a good restaurant. While the food was good, it was definitely waaaaaayy overpriced. The portions were so little, and the 5-course costs $130 each. To me, that's expensive. Anyhow, 1/3 way through the dinner, I suddenly had this very bloated feeling in my stomach, which then expanded up to my chest. Yes, I did have complimentary bread before the actual meal, but I didn't eat all that many, what! Was it the olive oil? Whatever lah. I suffered all the way until I got home ... where I got my gastric attack.
- To wrap the interesting day up, the gastric attack was followed by this wave of fatigue in quick succession. It was like I was going to crash any moment, and I had to get to bed. Fast. I think I was talking to Wifey ... and I fell asleep. How I hauled my tired ass to bed, I only vaguely remember.
Photo credit here.
Post Date: 30 May 08
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