How have you been? It's been 1 year since you ventured into another world - how time flies.
It may have been one year already, but everything is still vivid: the emotions, the feelings, the images, the faces ... I think it'll be forever etched into me. I still get goosebumps. I still think of you a lot, when I'm in the shower, in the office, at Mum's place, and when I think of my birthday coming up. Not that this is a complaint. It's just that this is so symbolic of life isn't it? That with 生 comes 老,病 and then 死.
Wifey and I are fine. She just clocked her 5th year of service with the company this year. She's been a loyal employee - this is her one and only company since we came back from Australia. As for me, hehe, not so loyal. The current place is my 3rd one since coming back. But I'm happy to report that things at work is better now than one year ago. Even then, I must remain relevant.
Mum is fine too. Not too sure if I've told you this before, but she has rented out one room to 3 Vietnamese girls. They seemed ok enough, and Mum gets along well with them. Recently, we started going out for dinner with Mum, instead of she cooking. She requested for "something fresh". I didn't know Mum was adventurous with food! Her luck with lottery has also been nothing short of spectacular. It keeps her happy and excited. I think this is in no small way your doing, Father?
There is one thing I want to report to you. Last year, there was consideration for Wifey and I to sell/rent our place and move into Mum's. But before that, we had Mum stay over with us. After trying for a few months, Mum still prefered to stay at her own place. I think she's a bit disappointed that we did not move in with her. I think I'm a bit selfish for saying this, but having my own roof over my head is important to me. It's something like a safeguard for a conservative Chinaman. As for renting our place out, I dread to think of the condition when we take back the unit. Amidst all these considerations, we held back moving in with Mum. She worked fast, and found company, in the form of her new tenants. This arrangement is for now. What I intend to do is to look for a place nearer to Mum, with no bus transits in between.
What about you, Father? How are things at your end? Have you adjusted to the new surroundings? Have you made new friends? Do you ... miss us? I really miss you, and I know Mum and Wifey miss you even more, and they are handling it so well. I guess I have to learn from them, to deal with the loss.
That's all I have, Father. Will talk to you again. In the meantime, please bless Mum with good health and happiness, and us with good news on the baby front!
Bye, and take care.
Yours sincerely,
Your son-in-law
Photo credit here.
Composed Date: 13 May 08
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