Sunday, September 02, 2007

Temporary reprieve

Went to Waterloo street today. Badly needed to consult the Powers on the housing dichotomy.

I wanted to 求 for 2 签 - one to ask if we can sell, and one to ask if we can rent.

The first 签 was a 中签. While it was ok in general, it wasn't resoundingly positive.

When I 求 for the second 签, I wasn't able to get a 胜杯! After 4 tries! I think it's fairly obvious that rental is a route that I shouldn't pursue.

Mum suggested, "Why don't you ask if you should just let things stay status quo?" Which I did. For this, I got a resounding 'YES'. I'm to wait till autumn and winter, where things will become clearer.

I'm so happy with this instruction because it is such a difficult situation. I didn't want to rush into this, as it not only does it involve my house, mum-in-law and mum-in-law's house, but also emotions and responsibilities.

So now, we wait, should be until January.

Post Date: 6 Sep 07

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