So today marked the end of another in-camp training. While the maps, overlay, enemy actions and the department head's requirements still daunt me, I must say I survived better this time. I seemed to know what was going on. Yet again, this exercise was definitely less intense than the previous one.
The going was tough - early mornings, late nights, endless injects and countless presentations. While going through it, I couldn't wait for it to finish.
But now that it's over, I kind of ... miss it. Not so much the training, but the teamwork, the bind of the common destiny, and the talking cock. I did much, much better on the communication with the team.
This in-camp is the last one for some of the guys. I'll miss them, just like how I miss those who had already MR-ed at the last in-camp.
In other news, I ALMOST became the first NS men of the entire division to out-pro : )
Image credit here.
Post Date: 23 Aug 09
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