Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New year resolutions for 2008

Yes, that time of the year where everyone fools themselves into thinking that it's a great year ahead for great achievements.

I've had my fair share of resolutions that have been rolled over for the nth year, and this is Year n+1. So here goes ...


1. Be more serious about photography
- Learn about the different techniques
- Make the SLR investment pay for itself

2. Set up and follow a health regime
- Sleep by 12.30am
- Regular exercises, eg. morning jogs

3. Pick up a new skill
- It could be singing, guitar-playing or even tap-dancing

4. Seriously think about residual income
- Learn more about the different forms of investments
- Consider about getting values from collectibles
- Explore the opportunities of an online, part-time business

5. Participate in the Stanchart Marathon
- Start off with the 10km run first, and progress to the longer distances over the years

6. Start thinking about the scholarships
- For the longest time, have wanted to set up 2 scholarships in my parents' names: physical science in Dad's and social science in Mum's
- related to this is also to find out about setting up foundations

7. Just added - don't write new year resolutions in June!

Photo credit here.

Post Date: 11 Jun 08
(As to why the resolutions are only written in Jun, you have to remember that I'm a procrastinating lazy asshole!)

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