That triumph over the (then thought) impossibility so intrigued a particular Singapore boy that he became interested in the moon, and astronomy in general, and he constantly pestered his parents to allow him to buy space books. His first astronomy book was a thin hard-cover book bought from Emporium. He still remembers its yellow-coloured price tag and that it has, on its cover, sun rise over Earth, seen from space.
Secretly he wanted to be an astronaut. Neil Armstrong was his hero. He wanted to get the best seats in the house when it came to space exploration. In his kiddy mind, the excitement far outweighed the fear of not coming back. However, when confronted with the school composition topic of "What I want to be when I grow up", he didn't write about being an astronaut. Apart from the lack of a space programme in Asia (then), he was also afraid of being laughed at. (This inferior complex will continue to haunt him into his adulthood, with no remedy in sight).
He read that the astronauts were mostly engineering graduates and fighter pilots. Alas, our dear boy didn't make the cut. Not only did he suck big time in science (C5 for 'O' level Chemistry and C6 for Physics), his stubby existence (pun intended) meant that he'll never fit into the fighter cockpit. That one briefing at the RSAF is at the far end of his failing memory.
Despite the setback, he continued his dalliances with astronomy, buying the occasional book and DVD boxsets. He considers the purchase of the DVD set of the TV series From the Earth to the Moon a coup, considering that he searched for it for years.
To date, he has yet to haul his big, fat ass to the shelf to retrieve the box, remove the shrink wrap and pop the DVDs into the player.
Image credit here.
Post Date: 20 Jul 09
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