Thursday, August 04, 2005

"If I'm In Space ..."

Was reading the papers about the repair jobs they are doing to the Discovery, and was reminded of my (once) keen interest in space and astronomy.

I pestered my parents to buy any children's book on astronomy that I laid my hands on. I read verociously, but remember nothing now due to my porous memory.

I still remember the delight in Pri 2 (or was it Pri 3?) when our Science teacher wanted us to compose a poem on space. We were to submit our work the following day. I ran the lines in my head while walking home. I refined them while having dinner. I firmed up my masterpiece while tossing in bed.

And my proud moment came when I volunteered and stood up to recite:

If I'm in space,
I will explore the place.
Maybe I'll visit the planet Mars
Or other well-known stars.

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