Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Great to Know I'm Not Alone

Had a great gathering with some uni friends. Has been a while since we last met, and happy to know that all seems to be doing fine in their jobs, well at least on the surface.

We did the usual "So how's work?" down the table. When it was my turn, it was with a little bit of anger and shame that I shared about my new work scope, my laughable package, my punishing work hours and my bosses. For once, I really thought they took pity on me.

"Why don't quit?" one asked.

"2 more months to his anniversary," another offered. Spot-on!

I told them I no longer understand the thrill and excitement of making money for the company, while they give you some microscopic amounts as your reward. My very existence in this world and self-worth evolves around how much money I can make for the company.

"There must be other ways of making money, right," I asked, to nobody in particular.

"I'm so tempted to do permanent temp after I quit. Or maybe I should be a professional bowler."

Attention turned to the classmate that owned the restaurant where we were in. Upon hearing this exchange, he smiled and said softly, "Been there, done that."

He said he began asking all these years ago, and that's why he is so adamant on doing what he wants to do. "I might as well work hard for myself. There is a lot more satisfaction."

It defintely feels good to know that there are people around me that is going through or have gone through this stage. I'm confident I'll survive and emerge a stronger person. Taxi license, anyone?

We then adjourned to Esplanade to catch the could-have-been-better fireworks.

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