Friday, August 12, 2005


Heard this stupid joke years ago ...

An African guy, an American guy and a Chinese guy were the only survivors of a plane crash. They landed on an island full of cannibals, and were soon brought before the chief.

"I will let you off, only if the combined length of your sexual organs (I'm trying not to be rude here) add up to at least 20 inches. All three men nodded quickly, thankful for this slim chance of survival.

All the men went to "prepare" themselves. The African was the first one to step forward. He dropped his pants, and managed 10 inches! There was a loud murmur among the bystanders. The American was next, and he produced his 8 inches of pride. Some of the tribal women gasped. And now it was the Chinese guy's turn. When he dropped his pants, "3 inches!" someone shouted, and everyone roared.

The chief honoured his words, and the 3 survivors ran for dear life. After 20 minutes, they finally stopped to catch their breathes. The African said, "If not for my 10 inches, the both of you would have become stew!" The American said "Hey, I contributed too!"

With a smug look on his face, the Chinese guy said "You too are fortunate. Lucky I steam ..."

At least got a little bit funny lah, yes?

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