Friday, December 29, 2006

Why got this dream?

Had a weird dream last night / this morning. Of all the things I could have dreamt of, I had to dream of people of the god-forsaken company, no less 2 of the Top Management.

I was talking to the 2 of them along a corridor and it was pouring outside. They were supposed to be going somewhere for an appointment. Somehow or rather, I don’t know why I did it, but I offered to drive them there. They were supposed to wait for me at the carpark.

The next few bits were quite blur, and I can’t recall what happened. But I think I took a long time, cos when I reached the car, they were already there, and I was feeling apologetic. One of them even said “We even had time to change!” (My goodness, into ugly Hawaiian shirts??!!)

And about the car. It … wasn’t my car. But somehow, we all gathered around it. When I put my car key in, I was able to open the door, and start the car! Problem is, it was a manual car. I’m not very proficient with manual cars, due to the lack of practice. Anyhow, the Top Guy proceeded to tell me the destination, and also driving instructions. In the dream, I was able to feel the anxiety of not knowing any of those places / roads that he was saying … and then I woke up.

TMD. I left the company so many months ago, and not once did I dream about the fucking place or the people. Must be yesterday lah, after catching up with my ex-colleagues and talking about all these fuckers.

Post Date: 29 Dec 2006

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