Thursday, May 21, 2009

This morning's dream

Could be a warning not to be too impatient, or always wanting to be different.


Was with Mum and 7th aunt, queuing up for something. Was waiting for quite a while, and I decided to look elsewhere. Told Mum I'll go check other places with shorter queues.

Vividly remember going upstairs. Appeared to be a classroom, complete with teacher. Got chastised for barging into her lesson. Had the feeling of being belittled.

Went down via another exit, and began to lose my way (nothing new there). It took me a long time to get back, as by then, the sky had darkened. I walked into a recently-ended lion dance / Chingay-type of celebration. Recently-ended because the confetti was still up in the air.

Moral of the story: patience is a virtue and straying from the group may cause you to miss a good show.

Post Date: 21 May 09

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