Thursday, June 15, 2006

Touched ... by Him

Today was supposed to be another peaceful day, until ...

... my boss declared that he committed to give a customer a quote today, and he had to leave for Malaysia in an hour's time. Wah, thanks ah ...

My colleague and I rushed, he calling the supplier and me counter-checking with the customer on his requirements.

Knowing that we're going to work late, I sian half liao. I was supposed to get a cake for Father's Day tonight, since all the 3 kids will not be there to celebrate with Dad. But now like that ... It's another case of family vs work.

The quote was finally sent at 9.40pm. The first thought was to get the cake in Bedok, since there are more shops there. But by the time I reached, I guess they'd have all closed by then. As I was driving along, Ubi Central was in front, and I gratefully turned in. However, the further I walked, the more disappointed I became. Most of the shops were closed.

Can't a person have both family AND career? Why must it always be a compromise? I kept replaying this thought in my head. The more I thought, the harder I prayed, asking the Buddha to help me. I want to be a good worker, and I also want to be a good son.

At some point, I decided to head back to the car. I've almost given up. "I'll buy it tomorrow then", I told to myself. Just then, right in front of me, was the shop with the signboard "X X Confectionery". At that moment, I knew He heard me, and it was His guidance that brought me along the path to the shop. I wanted to cry, and I think I did tear a bit. Given the difficult time that I'm going through, I thought He has taken a backseat, but no, He is still there for me. I bought the cake gratefully, and left.

I am still thankful and touched. I'm so happy the relationship is back.

Thank you, Lord Buddha, for hearing my prayers and being there for me.

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