Monday, November 13, 2006

3D2N Holiday Chalet ... Not

It was another weekend spent in Jurong, from Fri night / Sat morning till Sun evening. This Hougang Case seems to be trickier than initially thought.

I sincerely hope whatever Wifey and I are doing now, we are paying it forward.

It was also this weekend that we learnt of another team member displaying signs of weakness - greed. How come people over the generations always 追逐名和利 leh? I'm not going to say I'm a saint and proclaim I'm indifferent - I still am looking for the proverbial pot of gold. But why should it matter SO MUCH to them??

1. Is this the norm?
2. Am I just abnormal?
3. Does this qualify as "fighting for what you think you deserve"?
4. Why am I so averse to the concept of 毛遂自荐? Maybe I'm in this current predicament because I never self-advertise enough?
5. Is the concept of 默默的耕耘 dated?
6. Or ... am I just not as hungry as them?

The truly dangerous thing about desiring fame, fortune or wealth is the perceived associated power and the always-not-enough syndrome.

At the same discussion, I also heard that this person might be thinking of overtaking me. While I am (well at least I think I should be) flattered, my response is: go ahead and be my guest.

Post Date: 13 Nov 2006

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