Sunday, January 08, 2006

2006 Resolution Update I - Yoga!

Was at a colleague's place early yesterday afternoon, before heading down to town to meet Wifey. We were invited to try out at a yoga centre, trial lesson free.

Before heading there, I had to buy a pair of track pants. Nabeh, didn't know it was so hard to find and so expensive!! $100 a pair??!! Hellooo??!! Eventually settled for an el cheapo pair and headed upstairs.

The place was huge, spread over 2 floors. We changed and headed for one of the studios. I must say, initially, it was a little embarrassing, cos I was the only guy and the girls were contorting themselves to the instructions. Then a second guy came in, and I got used to having butts up my face.

The session lasted an hour, and I had all of the male shower room to myself. The sales guy tried his utmost, and finally got us to part with $300 each for 10 sessions. We will start from 16 Jan, for a period of 8 weeks.

My first step towards fulfilling my New Year resolutions!

By the way, the toilet doors in Shaw Centre are metallic and reflective. Feels weird seeing yourself take a crap ...

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